Monday, June 1, 2009

“ Did art in Holland actually ceased to exist after Van Gogh” ?

“ Did art in Holland actually ceased to exist after Van Gogh” ?

Our broadcasting interview with Jose Luis Couoh Puc, a talented maya-impressionist
from Mexico highlighted the “whereabouts” about the present Dutch art culture.
The interview was held in Amsterdam, 14 May 2009.

Two people took the pleasure in interviewing Jose Luis, a painter from Merida,
Yucatan, who came to the Netherlands for an exhibition in Amsterdam Royal Gallery.

Jose Luis was invited to the Netherlands thanks to the positive criticism received
by a Dutch assistant-conservator who deeply admired his authentic impasta technique and of course the fact that his paintings received admiration of some art collectors (referring to the Mint Green exhibition, in New Delhi in this case) will most certainly, positively contribute to his success as being a one-of-a-kind maya impressionist with an impasta technique that cannot be copied by anybody anywhere.

We discussed with Jose Luis the present status of art in our society.
Remarkably he expressed that his visit to the Netherlands was more or less a small
cultural shock for him and so was the art he encountered upon his visit to some of our Amsterdam galleries.

When comparing the contemporary art that is being made in our society of today, he expressed to be, more or less, to be disappointed by what he called “seeds of our society that are reflected in the superficial fashion of the artist”.

“It is more like artists who are trying to catch the last trend or fashion instead of
An artist committed to creating art in his own unique style.

To cut a long story short: “the artist is no longer an artist in our society”. Just like with our present music in which stars are created by the media, many of the art that is produced has no quality label at all anymore he sadly and remarkably noticed.

May be it is because the artist is more engaged in tricks to sell a new painting instead of following his inner soul which should guideline and pave the way to creating a piece of art in his own unique style.

On the other hand Jose Luis was surprised to find such a glorious pastof the Dutch painters. Having studied art of course JoseLuis Couoh is well acquainted with the Dutch Masters of the Golden Age, but still seeing them for the first time and how they used to work says everything
about the glorious past of Dutch art.

It is most likely that this great difference in quality is nothing more than an exponential fact of the time we live in. In ancient times high society had rigid rules as to what to expect when they ordered for a painting and only few could pay….It is therefore sad to witness that a painter
such as Van Gogh, who was actually born 50 years earlier than he should have been, didn’t catch the admiration of the art audience at all that particular point of time. “Nobody was into Van Gogh at that point of time, as nobody could understand or see how unique his way of creating of art was by then: may be because of a lack of vision living in a time where people could only show off with technical perfect paintings from an established painter”.

Jose Luis Couoh Puc stressed the point that any artist in this world should not follow any trend at all and be just like Van Gogh, “because a genius only comes out when he already disposes of the talent, when he already has the basis and the capacity or skills to succeed in his own unique way”. May be it was because of this that people recognized that Jose Luis’ his exhibition in the Netherlands is no coincidence at all but only the result of the simple fact of his dedication
to being a true artist. Ïf the artist does not have this basis, he stated, then there is no point at all, that is why it is said to realize that for some people art died together with Van Gogh..

Jose Luis hopes that one day people will go back to their roots again and look at only one thing as before: the authencity of the artist, only this will save art in the long run….

Jose Luis will be in the Netherlands until the 16 th of May, day on which he will fly back to his beloved country: Mexico.

Thanks to the courtesy of the Comunidad de Yucatan Jose Luis Couoh was in the Netherlands and paid a visit to Musee de Orsay: “the museum to be for any impressionist who takes his work
seriously and wants to succeed”.

With courtesy to: Jose Luis Couoh Puc, joining in the next Exhibition at world artists July/August in Oosterkerk, Amsterdam. The exhibition Variations on Earth.

“ el arte se murio con Van Gogh”

Entrevista con el impresionista Jose Luis Couh Puc de Mexico. Amsterdam 14 de Mayo 2009.
El 14 de Mayo tuvimos el placer de hacer una entrevista con Jose Luis Couoh Puc, pintor de Merida, Mexico quien esta actualmente exponiendo sus cuadros en la Galeria Royal de Amsterdam y que dentro de unos anos seguramente llegara a ser famoso gracias a tecnica “impasta” que queda reflejado en sus obras impresionistas/ expressionistas.

Jose Luis comento sobre su visita a Holanda y mas sobre el arte de la sociedad de hoy.
Cabe destacar que su primera obra durante la exposicion se vendio por mas de 9.000 pesos. Fue la obra de “Eva Luna” que llevo desde Mexico y se vendio inmediamente despues de su llegada a Holanda.

Jose Luis comento a su viaje a Holanda como si fuera: “ un pequeno shock cultural, “conociendo estos territorios de Europa tan avanzados y tan tecnificados”.
Al comparar el arte de Holanda con el de su pais materno, dijo que se hizo cargo de que ocurre algo en el arte de hoy como en la musica de hoy: “ los artistas tratan de seguir siempre la ultima tendencia en la sociedad sin preguntarse que base/calidad tiene su obra, por eso falta mucho la factura de la obra y el arte de hoy ya no es el arte de ayer, quizas por falta de tiempo del artista, quizas porque el artista ya no quiere ocuparse mas en hacer arte sino es mas bien un vendedor y por eso hace arte decorativo.

Fue notable durante la entrevista que al comparar la arte de Holanda de hoy y del siglo de oro (el tiempo de los grandes pintores como Rembrandt y Vermeer) ya no queda mucho de eso.

Antiguamente la alta sociedad tuvo gran demanda por obras finas y tecnicamente perfectas. Sin embargo, es notable que un artista como Van Gogh que querria expresar en sus obras una calidad sin precedentes, aunque no hubo nadie realmente interesado a comprar una obra de el: por una falta de vision de la sociedad del tiempo en que le toco vivir.

El artista consagrado no deberia seguir ninguna tendencia…segun Jose Luis Couoh Puc. ”Deberia tener su base y saber que hacer, como Van Gogh”; Seguramente es por eso que su exposicion en Holanda fue tan bien recibido con el publico y los expertos, quien se dieron cuenta que esta artista se compromete a hacer arte que viene de su mismo, que no trata de seguir ninguna tendencia, y por eso resulta tan dificil de creer “que el arte se murio con Van Gogh”.

“Espero que la gente vuelve un dia a conocer la autencidad otra vez que el artista persigue al hacer sus obras, y que vuelva a su base otra vez” dijo al final de la entrevista.

Jose Luis Couoh Puc esta en Holanda hasta el 16 de mayo 2009, dia en que vuelva a sus queridas tierras mexicanas. Agradecemos tambien la Comunidad de Yucatan por su visita a Holanda.

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