Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Chinese Art Market Outlook 2009

The Chinese Art Market Outlook 2009

(Source Art Radar Asia, an Experts' Opinion)
Why there are opportunities in Chinese 90s-made art and Chinese photography and how Western museums are impacting this market are some of the topics in the interview between Anders Petterson, Founder and Managing Director of ArtTactic and Larry Warsh, Founder of AW Asia.

Buying opportunities - 90s art and photography

AP: Where do you see buying opportunities in the Chinese contemporary art market in the short and long-term?

LW: In the short term-the next 12 to 18 months-there will be good opportunities to buy works by top-tier artists in both painting and photography. By top-tier, I mean the 40 or so who have gained art-historical recognition, have been internationally exhibited, and are being acquired by museums in the West as well as Asia. Historical works by these individuals -the first generation of Chinese contemporary artists, from 1989 through early 2000s-are relatively scarce and will continue to gain value. The global downturn has yielded some attractive pricing, particularly in comparison to top contemporary artists in the West, creating smart buying opportunities. In fact, art funds focusing on Chinese contemporary art have been formed to take advantage of this moment. Museums are also acquiring for their collections.

Chinese contemporary photography is a buying opportunity. It’s still undervalued relative to painting, which was the focus for collectors for many years. Quality works will become increasingly scarce, particularly as China develops as a consumer society with its own collector base. The Chinese audience with disposable income is growing, and a consistent percentage of those people will become art advocates and collectors.

The Chinese economy may be slowing down, but it is not in a recession. China will remain among the world’s most attractive investment destinations, and art will continue to parallel this direction. The result is that Chinese contemporary art will weather this economic downturn and will come out as an even stronger player. Read Article...


MonkAre said...

It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***pawnmqgdjhwe

Anonymous said...

I read your article on chinese contemporary art
Enclosed some more informations on the dsl collection.
The dsl collection is a private collection founded by My wife and myself representing 70 of the leading Chinese avant-garde artists, artists having a major influence on the development of contemporary art in China today. The range of media present in the collection include painting, sculpture, installation, video, and photography; yet the choice of works tries to go beyond the current contemporary art market frenzy.

The DSL website is as attempt to create an open space for public actions, a journey for unknown encounters. As we witness an acceleration of exhibitions activities across the globe, the scale of a show is becoming less relevant than finding new ways to engage a new audience.

The first rooms of a virtual museum are already on line.

I would like to invite you to have a closer look at the collection website and the E-book catalogue of the collection on line :




Best ,

Sylvain LEVY